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Privacy Policy for job applicants

This information is addressed to persons willing to launch their career at one of the companies belonging to the TopHuuge Group* (as defined below) whether they would like to conclude an employment contract or co-operate with TopHuuge Group on other legal basis. If you apply for a position at any company of the TopHuuge Group (the “Employer”) or connect with our company, in particular by using a CV application form available on the TopHuuge Group’s websites, we will store and process certain personal data about you. 

Regardless of which company of the TopHuuge Group will sign a contract with you, when it comes solely to the recruitment process it is TopHuuge Games sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Szczecin, Poland (address: Storrady Świętosławy 1A/501, 71-602 Szczecin, Poland) (“TopHuuge”) that is the data controller of your personal data. TopHuuge may ask other TopHuuge Group companies for assistance during the recruitment process.

Please note that our lead supervisory authority is the Polish Personal Data Protection Office which may be contacted at

TopHuuge has a Data Protection Officer (the “DPO”) who is the person at TopHuuge Group responsible for all matters related to data protection and privacy matters. The DPO is the designated contact for data protection issues for the whole TopHuuge Group. Should you have any inquiries concerning privacy protection at TopHuuge, you can reach us at the following address: 

ATTN: Data Protection Officer
TopHuuge Games sp. z o.o.
Storrady Świętosławy 1/501, 71-602 Szczecin, Poland [email protected] 

We process your personal data for the following purposes, and based on the following grounds and for the following period of time:


To contact you for the purpose of recruitment at TopHuuge

To review your application and to start and conclude the recruitment process.

After a finished recruitment process, we may contact you to evaluate the recruitment process.

Upon your consent for future recruitment processes, we save the Data in order to contact you regarding other job openings or opportunities after the position has been filled.

Upon your consent for the processing of your Data provided in the recruitment application, including references, as well as Data obtained from your previous employers, direct superiors, or your former or current colleagues for the purposes required for the recruitment process.

We may process your Data in order to defend against or enforce claims.

Lawful ground(s) for the processing
  • consent that you express through your clear affirmative action of sharing your contact details with us.
  • our legitimate interest when we got your contact from elsewhere/someone else – the need to contact you.
  • Necessity to prepare to conclude a contract,
  • consent that you express through your clear affirmative action of sending a CV to us.
  • our legitimate interest – the need to contact you.

our legitimate interest –   improving the quality of recruitment services as part of the recruitment process

This is made only with your permission (consent).

consent that you express through your clear affirmative action of sending us your references in paper form or sending us a reference list, our legitimate interest – improving quality of recruitment services as part of the recruitment process (this is the basis for processing personal Data of your previous employers, direct superiors or your former or current colleagues)

It is necessary for our legitimate interest of enforcing claims and protecting ourselves against them.

Necessary duration (unless laws or regulations to which we are subject oblige us to continue the processing)

Upon your consent, we may store your contact details for up to 36 months.
If this is based on legitimate interest, we will delete your contact details if we do not have an answer from you or you let us know that you are not interested in joining Huuuuge.

Until the position has been filled. After the recruitment process in case of not choosing you, your application will be stored for the period necessary (12 months) to protect the Employer from claims or complaints of applicants. After this period, your application will be removed.

Your data for this purpose, after you provide us with your evaluation answers or refuse to provide us with your answers, will be deleted immediately. The results of your evaluation will be stored anonymously.

After the recruitment process in case you gave your consent for future recruitment processes, the application will be stored for the period up to 36 months and after this period, for the time necessary to protect the Employer from claims or complaints of applicants. After this period, your application will be removed.

The references in paper form will be stored for the period up to 36 months after the position has been filled, and after this period, for the time necessary to protect the Employer from claims or complaints of applicants. After this period, your application will be removed.

36 months after the position has been filled, or, if a claim is raised, the time necessary for the legal process.

The Data consists of the information you have provided in your application and/or questionnaire and other information that you provide during the recruitment process, such as name, address, data related to your education and experience etc. and any other that you voluntarily decide to include in your CV sent to us (the “Data”). We ask you to provide exclusively information that you deem necessary to your job application. Please note that certain data such as: name, address, your date of birth, education and experience may be essential for us to possibly prepare to conclude a contract with you in the future. Other information that you provide to us voluntarily (e.g. your photo or your hobby) we process based on your consent given by your clear affirmative action – by sending your CV to us. If you want to take part in future recruitment processes or would like to be informed about job openings in TopHuuge Group please add a separate consent. Please know that TopHuuge does not need the sensitive information about you such as: information about your family status, about your religion or health. Please refrain from including them in your application.

Providing the data is voluntary, however your failure to provide us with most essential Data will make it impossible for you to participate in the recruitment process.

If the recruitment process in which you participate is carried out by an employment agency or a similar company on TopHuuge’s commission, this entity is the source from which TopHuuge obtains your personal data. The Data may be shared within the TopHuuge Group, with government authorities and/or with our trusted business partners and service providers to achieve each purpose respectively. Such partner’s may for example provide HR, or recruitment services, storage space or other systems that we find necessary to exercise the recruitment process. With each of these companies, TopHuuge has the respective agreement in place. These other companies may process or store data in a country outside the EU/EEA like the United States or the United Kingdom. In case such country is not regarded by the European Commission as a country with adequate level of protection of personal data, such transfer will be based on other safeguard measures, in particular the standard data protection clauses for transfer of personal data to countries outside of the EU/EEA adopted by the European Commission. A copy of these standard data protection clauses can be found at You can direct any requests, questions or concerns regarding TopHuuge’s handling of safeguards of the transfer outside the EU/EEA to our DPO whose contact details are given above.

In case you have any questions regarding our processing of the Data, please contact our DPO by e-mail at [email protected]. You can also use the contact details of our DPO if you would like to exercise any of your rights as a data subject under the GDPR. Please note that the rights under the GDPR are not unconditional. Therefore, an attempt to invoke any of the rights might not lead to TopHuuge’s action. We have to analyse first whether it is admissible to exercise your request. Your rights under the GDPR include the following:

  • Right to access – you are entitled to access the Data and receive certain information about the processing. That information is provided in this document.
  • Right to rectification – you are entitled to obtain rectification of inaccurate Data and to have incomplete Data completed.
  • Right to erasure – Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to demand to have the Data erased.
  • Right to restriction o
  • f processing – under certain circumstances, you are entitled to demand the restriction of the processing of the Data that we carry out.
  • Right to data portability – you are entitled to receive the Data (or have the Data directly transmitted to another data controller) in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Right to object –you are entitled to object to certain processing activities conducted by us on the Data, such as all our processing of the Data based on our legitimate interest.
  • Right to withdraw your consent – if we have collected and processed your personal data with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with TopHuuge’s lead supervisory authority – the President of the Personal Data Protection Office in Poland, or with your local data protection supervisory authority. We, however, encourage you to always first contact us when you have any problems or doubts regarding the personal data processing by us. 

*) TopHuuge Group means:

TopHuuge Global Limited, TopHuuge Games sp. z o.o., TopHuuge Inc., TopHuuge Digital Ltd, Coffee Break Games HGL Ltd., Double Star Oy, Playable Platform B.V., TopHuuge Publishing Ltd, TopHuuge UK Ltd as amended from time to time.

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