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Cookies Policy

Cookies and similar technologies – how and why we use them

When you visit our Website we can send cookies (which are small text information stored on the end device) or similar technologies to your computer or other device such as mobile phone or tablet. We use cookies for example to remember user preferences and learn how you use websites.

Cookies are used to identify users (however, not directly, rather identifying your device) and match historical data collected during their previous visits on the Website. We use information collected thanks to cookies in order to improve the attractiveness and functionality of this Website. In particular, they help us in adjusting our Website to your needs, ensure the most efficient operation of the Website and gather information for statistical purposes.

We use temporary cookies (session cookies) as well as persistent cookies. You may delete cookies from your web browser at any time or block cookies on your equipment, but this may affect the functioning of or even block the Website.

Huuuge allows third party suppliers, including Google AdWords, to collect data on user activity on the Website for advertising purposes. This means that we will display online advertisements adjusted to your preferences using existing networks which provide such advertising. As always we respect your privacy and do not collect any information that may identify you while you use Google or any other software.

Google Analytics

On our Websites or in our games, we use Google Analytics, a service provided by  website usage tracking service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Cookies are saved in the user’s computer and they  enable tracking of Website’s usage by the user.

Google will use this information on our orders to assess your usage of the Website for the production of summary website activity reports, display advertisements adjusted to your preferences and to provide us, as the Website operator, further services concerning website and Internet usage. 

The cookies, as well as Google AdWords and Google Analytics, will let us – knowing that you are interested in our products presented on this Website – advertise our products presented on the Website also when you visit other websites. Learn more here. 

Note that for certain games we also use Google Analytics that may collect certain data on our behalf. Please check here and in general check how we manage personal data at Huuuge in our Privacy Policy for services users.

Disabling cookies

You can prevent saving of cookies (disable and delete them) by changing your browser settings accordingly at any time. It is possible that some functions will not be available on our Website when use of cookies is deactivated. 

Check the settings of your browser. Below you can find some guidance: 

If you have any questions, contact us via our contact form or at [email protected].

Our website is owned by TopHuuuge Games sp. z o. o. We use cookies and similar technologies to ensure you get the best experience from our website. If you continue to this site, without changing your settings, you agree to the storage of cookies on your device. Consent for our usage of cookies is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time. For more information read our Cookies Policy.